It's a blessing to help strangers....

For those of you whom do not know it, it gets very cold in the doctor's office . Don't know why they keep it so cold unless of course it's to kill off the germs. I'm usually prepared for the cold since it has happened to me many times. So now when I go to do lab work or to the doctor, I carry a sweater or coat and a book to read. I was waiting with this elderly lady one day at the clinic. We were going to have to get some blood work done in the lab. She had a walker and had been driven there by a friend. Her friend was suppose to come back to pick her up. She was so cold that she was shaking. I was hesitant to say anything to her but I was thinking that I had a perfectly good clean blanket in the trunk of my car and I bet it would really warm her up. We started talking about how cold it was and I asked her if she would like for me to go out to the car and get that blanket for her.She said "yes" and was so happy! I got it and she wrapped it around her body like a coat. Needless to say, that made my day to make someone happy. Just saying...
Challenge submitted by: June

Make Someone feel special today!


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