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  • A Bit of Happy is Back!

    A Bit of Happy is back with a new location- abitofhappy.ORG! If you have been here before, welcome back! If not, here is a little about us...

  • Mission Smile

    Happiness is all around us. See hidden smiles in everyday life!

  • Moment of Happy Collection

    Sometimes it's the little things that make us happy.

Spread Some Happiness!

Share with someone that makes YOU happy!

Did You Know?

January 20-26 is the official Hunt For Happiness Week? The Secret Society of Happy People created this time of celebration so that each day of this week will focus on a different area of life to do a little happiness hunting.

How cool is that?
 Enjoy your week and spread a little happiness.

Moment of Happy Collection | One

Moment of Happy: Finding an extra french fry at the bottom of your bag.

Moment of Happy: Relaxing after you finish cleaning your house.

"Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." -Nathaniel Hawthorne