I love it when this happens.

Something very enlightening happened to me while at dinner last night.
I was sitting at the Fox and Hound Pub & Grill with my hubby after a long stressful day at work when "Hungry Eyes" started playing on the radio. A song that I had almost forgotten about, even though one of my favorites. My mood instantly began to lighten and nostalgia began to take over. Then, the first chords of "Dancing in the Moonlight" started playing. My husband and I looked at each other because it, too, is one of my favorite songs. The whole time we sat there, song after song, were our songs. The music that paved a road in our history together. It was like the soundtrack of our life together was playing over the speakers. It is times like these that remind me how much I love being with him. To top it off, "Your Song" by Elton John came on as we were leaving. Nice touch.


Yanic said...

I call those moments "The soundtrack of my life"... You'll be sitting in the car and a song that describes the exact mood you are in will come on. Or you are stuck at a light, a song begins and everybody on the street is walking in step with the music...
Universe in motion. I love those moments!


Its nice to read about your beautiful evening.. hope it cherish your days ahead...

Mysticle said...

Hi Christy, what a nice moment to share with your readers. I love 'Dancing in the Moonlight'. Nice photo too.

Ashley said...

Beautiful photo! Great blog.

Anonymous said...

"Dancing in the Moonlight" and "Your Song" are great songs and that's a beautiful picture you got there.. :)

Your site indeed makes people happy.. Thanks for sharing. Keep blogging! :)

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