Learning music from a kid

While I was babysitting my nieces and nephew earlier today I started playing the little that I know on their piano. Yeah, slightly embarrassing since they are amazing at playing and I can only play what my light-up keyboard taught me. Since I have never learned how to read music, I asked my youngest niece, Sophie, to teach me. She gave me a brief overview but had to cut it short due to homework. Therefore I decided I wanted to learn to play so I can and least hold my own against them next time. Ha. So I started checking out a couple of online tutorials such as Introduction to Reading Music and Play music and learn music notes the fun way. This was my inspiration for the day. Why not branch out and learn something you've always wanted to learn as well?


CouponWebz | UPrinting Coupons said...

Speaking of musical instruments, I also wanted to learn how to play the piano (inspired by nobuo uematsu's compositions. And the guitar (inspired by countless bands lol). And the violin (inspired by bach and vivaldi's compositions). So far, I can play basic guitar, no experience on pianos and no experience on violin :(

Ramon joke said...

Yeah. It's remind me when I tried to learn guitar on my own.

With lessons and tablatures, I found on the web.

Such a mess.

CEO Videos said...

It's always tough learning something new. It's amazing how easy kids make it look!

Wayfarer Solbriller said...

I surely agree, you should learn music the fun way! Man I just love this web site - it brings me in a really good mood.

Online Poster Printing said...

I never really got to learn how to play the piano, which is quite sad. But I wish I could be one of those genius kids.

consumer credit counseling said...

I also wanted to learn how to play the piano inspired by nobuo uematsu's compositions. And the guitar

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